Catalogue Number: CCS14598
While the genius of J.S. Bach (1685-1750) is commemorated throughout the world during this, the very first year of the twenty-first century, several thought provoking and astonishing facts are worth pondering. During Bach’s lifetime, the dissemination of his works via the medium of publishing and printing was meagre compared with lesser talents, indeed, only a handful of purely instrumental compositions dominated his published oeuvre. However it is even more astonishing that contemporaries such as Handel, Telemann and Hasse appear to have enjoyed a much greater and celebrated public appreciation. Should there be surprise then, that upon Bach’s earthly departure his music suffered much the same fate as any decent and capable Capellmeister of the era? His music was simply shelved, its place usurped by the next in line.
Release date: 1 January 2000